MESE started from a concept and heartfelt belief that not only is it scientifically possible to create green chemical solutions for some of the most challenging industrial application, but to create green solutions can that inherently perform better than their caustin inorganic counterparts.

To achieve this vision, our scientists had to start from scratch by creating new manufacturing processes and formulations to produce special cleaning molecules called bio-surfactant micelles – made from completely bio based sources of common and replenishable stock such as: potatoes, coconut and corn. These micelles were designed to be as small as 1 nanometer in size, or roughly about the size of a dozen atoms in a sphere shape.

The results was pure scientific genius. True green chemical solution that exceeded expectations and broke the performance envelope of existing products, and most importantly for customers to realize these solutions,  we managed our prices to be in line or lower than the products we replace.

Our singular vision is to allow customers to achieve more, spend less and do it  while reducing their impact on the environment.

MESE is a totally green clean tech company that combines domestically sourced renewable feed stocks with proprietary technologies molded around the four ideologies of being GREEN: biodegradable, recyclable, renewable and environment safe

BiodegradableRenewableRecyclableEnvironment Save
There are several levels of biodegradability as determined by ASTM with “Ultimate Biodegradable” as the highest ranking standard (2.1 ASTM D-5864) that states 60% of a product must degrade within 28 days.GET-Products replace the petrochemical base used in traditional chemicals with an Ultimate Biodegradable bio base made with plants and plant oils that is sustainable and renewable.G” branded bottles are 100% recyclable and made with 30% post-consumer recyclable plastics. Our labels are printed with water based inks on recycled paper. Certain G-OIL products are made with twice refined recycled base stocks and all G-OIL products are compatible with conventional and synthetic motor oils. Return used oil to containment centers.Chemicals, when stored or transported use a diamond shape diagram of symbols and numbers to indicate the degree of hazard associated with a particular chemical or material. The degree of health hazard of a material should indicate the degree of personal protective equipment required for working safely with the material; “0” is harmless, “1” requires safety glasses and gloves, “2” requires chemical goggles, work smock and local ventilation and “3” or “4” requires a respirator, full face shield, rubber apron, specialized gloves and handling tongs. When it comes to health or toxicity, GET-Products score a “0”!