The asphaltene well stimulation treatment is comprised of domestically sourced renewable plant-based materials for a greener solution. Every year, oil wells go through a significant decrease in production and are even abandoned altogether due to the excess build-up of asphaltenes in the perforations of the well.

For this reason, MESE has developed a ‘green’ way to solve the issue without the use of superheated steam or dangerous acids that may contaminate the oil and impact the environment negatively.


This green well intervention solution is especially engineered to break down the asphaltenes and remove the build-up from the well while enhancing production.

Unlike toluene and other benzenes, our solution isn’t a solvent. This means it will never mix with or spoil the oil, making it fully compatible with production facilities and their refining processes.

Unlike acids, our biodegradable well stimulation products don’t persist in the bore, affecting the structure, or formation.

Meaning, they preserve the structure and are intrinsically safe for the people using them. Furthermore, biodegradable well stimulation remedies bring down insurance premiums.

Other benefits include

They are not chlorine-based, and that is why they have little to no effect on the environment

They perform at a level far superior to alternative solvents

At the Nano-level, they are 180 000 times smaller than that of a regular petrochemical

The particle size is smaller than any other chemical product available in the world

They can enter matrixes and voids in the bore that cannot be reached by alternative products, and the surface tension is extremely low


The asphaltene well stimulation treatment is part of a two-part application is most efficient as part of an thorough service plan. When production comes to a standstill for service work, this eco-friendly well stimulation treatment ensures that bore restriction is not a problem.

The amount of product necessary will vary depending on the following factors:

The depth of the well

The size of the bore

The specific down-hole conditions

The type of crude

The substantiation of specific formation restrictions

Upon analysis, then the process involves either of the following processes:

Diluting the product with water on site (fresh or salt) before pumping

Pumping the fluid undiluted down the well (diluting a & b at the same dilution rate and pumping down consecutively beginning with a)

Recirculating the well and then allowing 12-24 hours of ‘soaking’ or dwell time under pressure

Once the well stimulation treatment is complete, the oils and the contaminants will be pumped out with the initial flow (into a Baker or holding tank) and can then be easily separated for ‘green’ disposal. Mix Part A with Part B on site and apply to well as per instructions.